TMPLC responded quickly to support our families during this unprecedented time. During this time our staff has completed over 70 well checks, asking parents what they need and how we can help. We have been able to support all 23 TMPLC families with grocery porch drops as well as school work packets and school supplies.
Initially, we chose to stay open and help students with their packets and support with our college educated staff and wifi, to any parents that wanted to still send their students. As the governor closed down the state, we quickly shut down all of our in person services.
As Ohio reopens we have carefully considered our continued response. We conducted a survey to see how parents would feel about sending their students to summer program. 91% of the parents polled stated that they would want to send their children to summer programming. Therefore, TMPLC is making plans to offer a summer program to the community. We are working diligently to make appropriate additions to our cleaning regime, our standard student check in system, social distancing, and implementing wearing and providing masks for our staff and students.
TMPLC is preparing this document to be posted on our website as our COVID19 response procedures. As stated previously, we are doing family wellness checks on a weekly basis to stay connected with our families and be able to be a positive resource for them. We have also partnered with The Meeting Place Church, MyCom Network, and Burton Bell Carr CDC to provide hot meals 2 days a week. So far we have provided over 600 meals to people in the Buckeye neighborhood.
TMPLC’s Executive Director decided to continue to pay all salaries and stipends to staff members. Keeping our staffs lives working as normal as possible was a huge priority for us. We have chosen to continue to pay our rent. As a faith-based educational nonprofit we felt it was a necessary step of faith. TMPLC has applied for COVID-19 relief funding for those that have stayed on the front lines, working to bring a normal to the unprecedented times we are living through. We also continue to apply for grants that align with our strategic plan.
Due to COVID-19, our regular Spring Benefit was turned into a virtual event. We quickly met with board members to come up with an alternative plan, solicited for silent auction items, and scrambled to gain the technology TMPLC needed to pull off a virtual event. Our fundraising goal for this year was $15,000.00. With changing the event to virtual we were able to raise over $9,000.00 of that amount. With the $6,000.00 left to raise, we will be working on additional creative funding ideas in 2020. We have communicated with donors via social media, snail mail, and phone calls as we promoted doing a ‘new’ thing for our benefit this year. Some of our board members made phone calls, solicited businesses for auction items, as well as, shared our virtual event through social media. Our board also helped reach donors by sending thank you notes to new donors as well as to those that continue to support our work year after year. I feel the biggest change in our strategy for fundraising is to not limit our tactics to a single benefit a year. We are currently seeking more diverse and unique fundraising events and campaigns to strengthen our annual fund.
Though our work in the neighborhood we have also supported many seniors who have been hard hit by this pandemic. This has been by God’s design. Seniors are often overlooked in our under-resourced neighborhood. This fits with our mission as a community-based organization to meet as many needs as possible.